Senin, 02 April 2012


Folklore of West JavaOrigin of the City Cianjur That said, in an area in West Java, about the Cianjur, there lived a wealthy man. His net worth includes all the existing rice paddies and fields in his village. Residents only are wage laborers who worked the fields and fields rich man. Unfortunately, with his wealth, he is a person who is very hard to help, do not want to give things a bit, so that people around him call him Mr. stingy. Kikirnya so, even to her son though. Outside the knowledge of his father, the son of Mr. miser who behave kindly often help people who need help. One of the habits in the area is held shower, in the hope that the next harvest season will be better than the previous harvest. Because of sheer terror, Pak miserly party by inviting its neighbors. Neighbors are invited Pak miser hoping to get a meal and a pleasant drink. But they could only breast stroke when meals are provided only perfunctory Pak miserly, with an insufficient number of so many invitations that do not enjoy the feast. Among them are some who complain, "Inviting guests to the party, but not sufficient jamuannya! really stingy person ". In fact there is no good to pray that Pak was griping because avarice. In the midst of the feast, there came an elderly grandmother, who immediately asked for alms to Pak stingy. "Sir, give me alms from the rich treasure of this master," the grandmother said haltingly. Instead of giving, miserly Mr. grandmother was even rebuked by saying outrageous, and even drove them away. By holding a very deep hurt, the grandmother finally left the party held Pak stingy. Meanwhile, because the behavior could not bear to watch his father, the son of Mr. and wrapped it stingy to take food. Then furtively he follows her grandmother until the end of the village. Food is delivered to his grandmother. Get food so hoped for, the nenekpun eat it with gusto. Finished eating, he thanked me and pray for Pak child to become a miser who lived with glory. Then he continued his journey until it was in one of the main hill near the village. From the top of the hill, he saw only one of the greatest houses and stately homes Pak is a miser. Given what happened before, then the anger came back to his grandmother, he again said a prayer for the greedy and the miserly Mr. miser that gets rewarded. Then he stuck a stick that had been brought, to the ground where he stood, then lifting the stick again. Bizarre, from where the stick ditancapkannya tersbut then mencarlah water needs in an increasingly large and numerous, and flows right into the village of Pak stingy. Witnessed the arrival of the water like a flood, some villagers who happened to be close to the hills screaming remind villagers shouted to each other, "Flood!" The villagers then became frantic, and tangling with each other here and there. There are soon to take its property, there is an immediate search for and invite relatives to secure themselves. Seeing the panic, the child immediately advise the miserly Mr. residents to leave their homes. "Go away this village, and flee into the hills safe" he ordered. He told residents to leave all their possessions and livestock fields to prefer the safety of their lives. Meanwhile, Mr. miser who is very fond of his property would not just go to the hill, as recommended by his son. In thinking that what they have to menyelematkannya. He did not want to go, despite the rising water and drown all that is in the village. Her invitation to go immediately rewarded with a shout and swear that was not pleasant to hear. Pak finally children leave miserly father who can no longer be persuaded. Residents who survived was grieving a lost village meliaht like flood water is swallowed. But they were grateful to be alive. Then together they find a safe new place to live. For services, children Pak Kikirpun appointed their new leader. Led by its new leader, the people agree to divide the land in new areas for cultivation respectively. Mr. Kikirpun teach their children to plant rice and how to work on rice paddies which are then used as such. Residents always follow the recommendation of their leader, so the suggestion is then called a village. The village that grew into a small town even this came to be known as the City of Cianjur.

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